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dōTERRA Harmony Aroma Handcraft Collection

Featured from the doTERRA Blog

doTERRA is proud to work with many powerful women from all over the world. And, whether they know it or not, every woman (from daughters, sisters, and aunts to new moms and grand-moms) is deserving of a little luxury. To treat these wonderful women in your life in a fun way, we have created the Harmony Aroma Handcraft Collection with three exclusive oils: Green Mandarin, Pink Pepper, and Star Anise.

The kit is designed to help anyone experiment with crafting their own blends. Each of these beautiful aromas go perfectly together or separately. An exclusive recipe booklet comes in each kit that includes 30 handpicked recipes, and instructions on using the oils for diffusing, perfume, or both. There are also two 10 mL roll-ons, and 10 graduated pipettes for more precise measuring.

Read on to find out the benefits of each oil.

Green Mandarin

You may already be familiar with Red Mandarin oil from other limited time offers; Green Mandarin comes from the same mandarin tree, but is from the unripened fruit instead of the mature fruit. Its aroma is slightly sweet and floral with a tang of citrus. As with other citrus oils, it is uplifting when worn on the skin or diffused. You can also use Green Mandarin internally for soothing the nervous system, supporting the healthy function and response of the immune system, and supporting the digestive system.*

Pink Pepper

The molle, otherwise known as the pink peppercorn tree, was a sacred tree in ancient Incan culture. They used all parts of the tree, including the fruit for many health purposes. The aroma of Pink Pepper is an invigorating and energizing scent, and blends perfectly with citrus and floral oils. When you’re feeling sleepy or need to focus, diffuse or inhale Pink Pepper to promote feelings of alertness. Like Green Mandarin, Pink Pepper can also be taken internally to relax the nervous system, and support healthy digestive, respiratory, and immune systems.*

Star Anise

Steam distilled from the eight-follicled fruit of the star anise tree, Star Anise oil is currently used in the doTERRA DigestZen® blend. A perfect for supporting healthy digestion* in its own right, Star Anise is full of fresh licorice-like scent. Taking it internally helps to soothe the mood and supports a healthy cardiovascular system.* Star Anise blends extremely well with floral and wood oils for an emotionally balancing experience.

To purchase the Harmony Collection, go here. Please note that there is a limit of 4 per account.

This promotion is available in the US, Canada, JP, AU, NZ, HK and SG.

*These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.



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